May 2021

Home > Newsletter > May 2021

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 20th 2021 at East Court Chinese Resteraunt 1st floor 144-148 Windsor Street Richmond at 6.00pm. Please contact us if you will be attending for catering purposes 0418254950

The association has made applications to increase service fees from July 1st to all the race clubs we currentley service. This is due to increases in Saturday race fields and a significant increases in trial numbers across all clubs.These fee increases will enable appropiate rates of pay to farriers that service these venues and a small increase in revenue for the association.

In the last few months there have been many enquirys regarding farriers in Bega and surrounding areas.There seems to be a lot of work down there but there are very few if any qualified farriers min these areas.It may be a good oppurtunity for anyone looking for sea change.

The Camden Show is keen to put on a major farrier competition in 2022.I have spoken to Steve Head regarding the matter and any interest in setting up and/or competing in the event please contact Steve. The association will sponsor the event in some way which is yet to be determined.

There has been some dicussion about how the Farrier industry will move forward in regards to associations.We have been down this path a number of times how ever due to egos and personal agendas it has been very difficult to gain any momentem. It may be time to approach the subject again in a different way.We have some ideas which will be discussed at the next meeting

Regards Jim Middleton secretary