New Membership Structure

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At the recent MFA meeting it was decided there would be a new membership structure put in place.

As the association is now in a good financial position with the income from race day services the committee decided that we will drop all general membership fees to nil.

All known qualified tradesmen in NSW will be added to the list and will remain members free of charge.If you want your name removed from the list please contact us. If there is some one you know that should be on the list please contact us.

Please check the web site to make sure your details are correct.

We will still offer a premium membership of $330 p/annum for members who wish to attend seminars and the association will cover 50% of the fee

Any apprentice that finishes their time will automatically become a member free of charge

Any new member who upgrade their skills and has a CERT 111 certificate and/or trade  recognition papers ie Craft Certificate a one off joining fee of $330 will apply

We remind members that we are still actively pursueing country race meetings in NSW to service. The association will negotiate with race clubs to ensure the correct fee is being paid .If you are currentley servicing a country race meeting please contact us to make sure you are recieving the correct amount for your service .These race meetings also ensure the financial survival of the association.  

We are confident these measures will help the industry strive towards better self regulation of the farrier industry going forward and in the near future we will have a national registery of all qualified farriers in the country