November 2020

Home > Newsletter > November 2020

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th November 2020 at East Court Chinese Resteraunt 1st floor 144-148 Windsor Street Richmond at 6.30pm. Please contact us if you will be attending for catering purposes 0418254950

Due to covid restrictions we are finally having a meeting. Needless to say not a lot has been happening this year however we have been fortunate that the industry has been ticking along as normal.

Our main objective is still to provide service country race clubs under the association banner to ensure farriers are paid correctley and to provide a long term sustainable passive income for the association.This in turn creates a fee free membership and supports apprenticeship/TAFE schemes and incentives

Did you know that the federal government if offering apprentice incentives for new apprentices.There are payments up to 18K per annum for new apprentices available.Contact an apprenticeship provider for more information 

We have been working with Gow Gates insurance regarding specific insurances for farriers .Click on the link below if you are interested in a quote

Download the Equine Liability Proposal Form

Regards Jim Middleton  secretary