The next meeting will be held on Thursday the 9th of November 2023 at 6.00pm East court Chinese Restaurant 1st floor 144-148 Windsor Street Richmond. Please advise if you wish to attend, text Jim Middleton sec 0418254950
Recently we were approached by Tasmania Racing for advice regarding apprenticeship training and setting up an association for Tasmanian farriers. Armando Djuric and Jim Middleton traveled down to offer our advice and present some proposals. Armando took some tools down and did a clinic for the farriers in Launceston. We had meetings with officials from TAS Racing regarding training apprentices and qualifying existing farriers. TAS Racing is going to try to get their own farrier course going by running their own RTO. We are hoping that this will come to fruition as it will prove to Racing NSW that this is the way forward for training our apprentices moving forward. The farrier TAFE courses in NSW face significant problems and we need to be ready to take control of the industry’s future.
The association is looking to rewriting its constitution as it needs to be updated. There are many obsolete rules and new ones need to be written into the document. We hope to have a draft which we can present early in the new year.
At the last meetings ideas were discussed regarding apprentices leaving before finishing the full four years of indentureship. The most logical solution would be to offer a finishing incentive for apprentices at the end of their time. How this could work is the next problem.
Regards Jim Middleton secretary